Monday, April 27, 2009

Autoblog spends a day at the 22nd Annual Seal Beach Classic Car Show

Click above for huge high-res gallery from Seal Beach

We love spring for a multitude of reasons, but mainly for the car shows that start popping up around the country. The sun comes out and so do the classic cars, hot rods and muscle cars. This weekend we stopped by the 22nd Annual Classic Car Show in Seal Beach, California along with about 25,000 other folks. The show features around 500 cars, stretching from PCH to the pier right down the heart of Main Street.

The day includes a pancake breakfast, a running of the local pinewood derby, and a whole lotta' fun. Besides the bands that show up to play everything from swing to rock-and-roll, there were also the sounds of the cars themselves during the periodic cacklefest moments of the day. That's when the show participants are encouraged to start 'em up and stomp the loud pedal. It's quite an earful, especially if you happen to be standing next to one of the dozen or so race cars in attendance, like we did when a vintage Yeakel dragster once piloted by Tom "Mongoose" McEwen dropped the throttle.

Although muscle cars are generally king at these types of gatherings, there are also a number of other classes. Everything from the aforementioned race cars to European classics; from hot rods to Woodies; from customs to boats, bikes and even buses. A great event that puts a big emphasis on wholesome family fun in a quintessentially American way and you can check it out in our massive gallery below.

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